This is a collection of the various classic video games that I recreated from my Video Game Programming class. For each game, the professor gave us a blueprint for the game architecture, and we needed to figure out the implementation. All games were written in C++ using the SDL2 library. Each of these games were created within one week, excluding Parkours Edge, which took four weeks to complete.
Features include:
- Full game loop, including processing inputs, updating the game, and generating output to the screen
- Collision detection
- Paddle and ball movement with window constraints
Features include:
- Player movement, including rotation
- Laser firing in the forward direction
- Collision detections with asteroids and lasers
- Move component and sprite component for all game objects
- Destroying game objects
Features include:
- Read text file to determine level layout and object sprite assignments
- Sprite and collision components for game objects
- Object screen wrapping
- Vehicle detection from player
Features include:
- Read text file to determine level layout and object sprite assignments
- Player movement including jumping
- Goomba spawner
- Screen scrolling
- Sprite animations
- Music and SFX
- Collision detection
Features include:
- Unique AI implementation for each ghost
- Collision detection with pellets and ghosts
- Pac-Man teleportation when entering a tunnel
- Sprite animations
- Music and SFX
Features include:
- Damage system for enemies and bushes
- Enemy AI that adjusts to changes in the environment
- Collision detection
- Sprite animations
- Music and SFX
Features include:
- 3D procedural generation and endless runner functionality
- HUD UI implementation
- Player movement including barrel rolling
- Mesh components for game objects
- Collision detection
- Music and SFX
Features include:
- Camera following for the player
- Lap system using checkpoints
- Adjusted vertical height of vehicles when track height changes
- Enemy vehicle that races against the player
- UI for lap and race state
- Player movement including acceleration and turning
Features include:
- Wall climbing and wall running
- Checkpoint system with an arrow pointing at the next checkpoint
- Collision detection with laser mines, security cameras, coins, and checkpoints
- HUD UI to display a timer, coin count, instructions, checkpoint notifications, and a radar
- Level loading
- Music and SFX